Bratislava Property Forum 2019 - Highlights

Here are some of the main conclusions of only some of the numerous talks.
Bratislava Property Forum 2019 has started with the Welcome speech by Csanád Csürös (Property Forum). In 2019, the real estate market is cautious about development, but hopes are placed on the impact of new technologies.The first section of the conference was dedicated to CEE investments.
Bumpy road ahead? - Economic outlook for Slovakia and CEE
According to Sean Tompkins - trust will be a key factor in the development of the real estate market. Katarina Muchova (Slovenská Sporitelna) - summed up the macroeconomic situation of CEE countries. Over the next two years, there are no sudden changes expected, however, the only unknown is the situation of Brexit and its influence.
Source: Property Forum Events & News
How is technology transforming the world of real estate?
Maciej Markowski (SpaceOS) has talked about tenant experience - space, technologies and people and how to make workspaces into spaces in which you want to work. Nowadays office space is the place where people can exchange knowledge and experiences while having access to their tools and documents at home. Office space shapes us as a person. However, data on activities inside office buildings is still an issue underestimated by managers. The same as communication between them and tenants.
Source: Property Forum Events & News
Employee is the king? - Latest trends in workplace solutions
During the second section of the Forum 'New concepts for changing demand,' Lara Paemen (IFMA) talked about new trends in workplace solutions. Nowadays the most crucial are employees and their feelings. extremely important is what actually feel employee. The workplace is expected to have more common goals and a sense of common professional ethics. This requires mutual communication and cooperation between the various building services departments. She stressed the fact that buildings should be human-oriented. The aim is to create an employee of the future instead of a job of the future.
Source: Property Forum Events & News
Building future-proof workplaces – How to fill the space between the glass walls?
During the discussion pannel, according to Dalibor Surový (HB Reavis) - thinking in terms of an employee or end user of our services cannot be limited to inventing what we want to have inside the building, but must be based on a coherent concept, from design to completion.
Have we reached the peak? - CEE investment outlook
Mark Robinson (Colliers) provided an overview of the CEE investment market. He marked the importance of the CEE region which will definitely grow. Poland returned in 2018 as the leader of the capital market in the region. Investments within the CEE countries are increasing.
Source: Property Forum Events & News
Bratislava Property Forum 2019 has ended with the section 'The future of real estate' with PropTech start-up pitches. Thank you all Bratislava Property Forum Speakers for fascinating, insightful, and inspiring talks.
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